Student Workers' Compensation
What To Do If You Have a Work-Related Injury or Illness
First, we hope you never need this information. The following are steps you need to take when you have a work-related injury or illness. For questions on the following please ask your supervisor or contact EHS by calling (360) 650-3064 or e-mailing
- Get treatment, whether onsite first aid or from a health care provider. Not all providers handle L&I claims so be sure to check before you go. The emergency room handles L&I claims. Walk- in or express care clinics and any occupational health clinic will almost always handle L&I claims and, unless your concern is serious, will likely be faster.
- Note: Do not go to the Student Health Center. They do not handle treatment for work related injuries. They cannot bill L&I for this treatment and other insurance will deny payment if treatment is work-related
- Report all work-related injury or illness to your supervisor as soon as possible. Complete Step 6 even if no treatment is needed.
- Tell the health provider your concern is work related if you seek medical treatment. They need to know this from the beginning so they can begin the L&I claim paperwork. This also lets them know not to charge you or your insurance for any treatment.
- Complete the worker’s portion of the L&I Report of Accident (Workplace Injury, Accident, or Occupational Disease) at the provider’s office.
- Bring any work restrictions documents from your provider to your supervisor.
- Complete the WWU Incident and Hazard Reporting form
- Contact your supervisor once a week if you are off work to update your status.
- Bring any updates to your work restrictions to your supervisor.
- Work with Western's Claims Manager to be sure you are getting necessary treatment.
- Work with your supervisor, your provider, and Western's Claims Manager to return to work as soon as possible.
- Bring your supervisor a release from your provider when returning after a work-related absence.
- Get Well! This, of course, is the most important part.
Contact Information
Environmental Health and Safety
General Information line
(360) 650-3064
Confidential claim information fax line
Visitor and Student Info
Visitors and students not receiving a WWU paycheck for their activities who sustain injury or illness should contact:
Carol Rehnberg
Director of Risk Management
(360) 650-4634