Workers' Compensation

General Information

Workers’ Compensation insurance coverage for on the job injuries or illnesses is purchased by Western Washington University from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I). The Environmental Health and Safety Department (EHS) is responsible for administering the University’s industrial insurance benefits and programs in accordance with the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), and University Policy.

Full benefit coverage is provided for all paid faculty, staff, and student employees who are injured or develop an industrially related illness while acting within the course and scope of their duties. Coverage begins automatically on the first day of employment. Each employee contributes a part of the medical aid portion of the coverage premium through payroll deduction.

Special Information


Volunteers- Volunteers who are registered with Human Resources are provided partial L&I benefit coverage during the course of their work for the University. This coverage provides for medical treatment only and not for disability or other benefits. For additional information on volunteer status and required forms see the Volunteer Policies and Procedures section of the Human Resources website or call them at 360-650-3774.

Travel in State

When required to travel away from the normal workplace on work-related business an employee is generally considered to be in the course of employment continuously for the duration of the trip. An exception would be a side trip for personal reasons.

Out of State or Country

L&I provides coverage for work-related injury or illness while traveling outside of Washington State. If you need treatment for such an injury or illness be sure to tell the health care provider your concern is work related. Please note- This may be difficult as providers in other states or countries may not recognize L&I coverage. For information on how to handle the situation refer to the Out-of-State or Out-of-Country reference page. For additional information on health care coverage issues and travel please contact the Director of Risk, Compliance, and Policy, Paul Mueller, at (360) 650-3065.

How to File a Claim

If You are an Injured Worker

First, we’re sorry you need this information. The following are the steps you need to take when you have a work-related injury or illness.

  1. Get treatment, whether on-the-job first aid or from a health care provider.
  2. Report all work related injuries or illnesses immediately to your supervisor. Complete Step 6 even if no medical treatment is required.
  3. Tell your health care provider your concern is work related if you seek medical treatment.
  4. Complete the worker’s portion of the L&I Report of Industrial Injury or Occupational Disease at your provider’s office.
  5. Bring any work restriction documents from your provider to your supervisor.
  6. Complete the WWU Accidental Injury/Occupational Illness Report within 24 hours.
  7. Contact your supervisor once a week if you are off work to update your status.
  8. Discuss your leave options and time entry with your supervisor.
  9. Give your supervisor additional documentation from your health care provider for any extension or change of work restrictions.
  10. Work with the WWU Claims Manager to be sure you are getting necessary treatment.
  11. Work with your supervisor, your provider, and the WWU Claims Manager to return to work as soon as possible.
  12. Bring your supervisor a release from your provider when returning after a work related absence.
  13. Get Well!

Additional information for injured workers.

If You are the Supervisor of an Injured Worker

If one of your employees is injured on the job or develops an industrial illness your help is needed to ensure he or she receives prompt treatment and, if needed, timely processing of his or her L&I claim. Here are the basic steps you need to take.

  1. Make sure your employee seeks treatment as needed, whether on-the-job first aid or from a medical provider.
  2. Make sure your employees complete their section of the WWU Accidental Injury/Occupational Illness Report for all work-related injuries or illnesses within 24 hours.
  3. Tell your employees to let the health care provider know their concern is work related if they seek medical treatment.
  4. Send any work restriction documents from the employee’s provider to the WWU Claims Manager listed below.
  5. Contact employees who are off work once a week to check on their status.
  6. Discuss leave options and time entry with employees who are off work.
  7. Get additional provider documentation from the employee for any extension or change of work restrictions. Send a copy to the WWU Claims Manager.
  8. Work with your employees and the WWU Claims Manager to return them to work as soon as possible.
  9. Obtain the provider’s written medical release from your employee when he or she returns after a work related absence.

Additional information for supervisors of injured workers.

Contact Information

Confidential claim information fax line

(360) 650-6514

Environmental Health and Safety

John Fauver

MS 9070

(360) 650-4656

General Information line

(360) 650-3064


Visitors and students not receiving a WWU paycheck for their activities who sustain injury or illness should contact:

Carol Rehnberg
Director of Risk, Compliance, and Policy
(360) 650-4634

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